The European Capitals Trade Unions Network (ECTUN) is the Network of the Trade Unions Organizations operating in the European Capital cities and their Regions.
A trade union based in a European capital that is a member of its national confederation which in turn is affiliated to ETUC and/or to the Pan-European Regional Council of the ITUC can join the network.
The main objective of the Network is to enhance a regular exchange of information, experience, contacts and best practices, establishing spaces for dialogue among the Trade Unions of the Capital cities.
Moreover ECTUN aims to
- Promoting and defend solidarity, workers’ rights, collective bargaining, employment and welfare, fight against social dumping and inequalities.
- Developing actions and/or initiatives aimed to promote dignity of workers and contributing to the improvement of workers’ living and working conditions in the areas of the capital cities.
ECTUN is run by a Permanent Committee and a Coordinator both elected every three years by the plenary during the annual Conference.