22nd ECTUN Conference – Belgrade 13 – 14 June 2023
The 7th Congress of the CGIL of Rome and Lazio was held in Rome under the motto “Work creates the future”. The new elected General Secretary is Natale Di Cola. We wish every success to the new elected colleagues.
Salutation on behalf of ECTUN by Dr Christina Theochari, ECTUN Coordinator
News from CATUB
CATUB has declared 2023 as the year of “social equality”. In this framework a proposal of population policy measures has been elaborated, where are described the measures that would help young parents to balance between their private and business obligations, as well as measures that would provide parents with additional financial support.
Here is the translation of the slogans:
(2023. year of social equality, dignity, solidarity, equality, social dialogue, respect, responsibility, social equality = equal opportunities for all, equitable society, social rights, social help, social protection, social inclusion, dignified life, social card, economic rights, dignified work, social justice, social security, equal chances for every person, human rights, sustainable development, solidary society, freedom, agenda 2030, democracy, fight against poverty, respecting differences, safe work, society of equal opportunities).
8th Regional Congress of UIL Rome and Lazio
Rome 18 and 19 July 2022
Greeting by Dr Christina Theochari
Coordinator of the European Capital Trade Union Network (ECTUN)
Message ECTUN for peace
25, 26 January 2022 – ONLINE
“Digital transition in the capital cities and the role of the trade unions”
“Digitalisation of capital cities and the role of trade unions”
Online training 13-20–27 October and 3 November 2021(10 to 13h A.M.) + intermediate collaborative learning, individual and group activities
28 April: International Workers’ Memorial Day
“Labor recovery from the pandemic and developments in the European Capitals”
20th CONFERENCE online – 23 and 24 February 2021
EKA – Athens
CATUS – Belgrade
CATUS message for 1st May 2020
DGB – Berlin
FH – Copenhagen
SAK – Helsinki
CGTP – Lisboa
CCOO, UGT – Madrid
UGT – Madrid
MTUF – Moscow
CGT – Paris
Déclaration commune à l’occasion du 1er mai 2020
Circolare unitaria Primo Maggio 2020
Information from our members
EKA Athens
LO Copenhagen
TUC London
Protecting workers’ jobs and livelihoods – The economic response to coronavirus
A new plan for jobs – Why we need a new jobs guarantee
CCOO Madrid
Information about Coronavirus April 2
Information about Coronavirus April 20
Information about Coronavirus & Women
LO Oslo
CGT Paris
The working class always on the front lines of the struggle
CISL Roma e Rieti
CGIL Di Roma e del Lazio
Briefing on Lockdown easing measures – Italy
Italian measures to face the COVID-19 pandemic
19th ECTUN Conference
Helsinki, 17-19 February 2020
“Trade Unions Climate Action for the future of workers in the Capital cities”
Climate change is happening, projected to continue and poses serious challenges for cities. Extreme weather conditions resulting in hazards such as heat waves, floods and droughts are expected to happen more frequently in many parts of Europe. The impacts are stark: flooding can damage or wash away homes, businesses and infrastructure. Jobs and vital services will be lost. Heat waves can compromise public health, reduce productivity and constrain the functionality of infrastructure. Water scarcity will place cities in competition for water with a wide variety of other sectors, including agriculture, energy generation and tourism.
Capital Cities and Regions drive Europe’s economy and generate substantial wealth. If important economic hubs experience climate related problems, Europe’s economy and quality of life will be under threat. Social and financial damage caused to climate change can lead to major disruptions in business operations and city budgets. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change underlines the necessity of a “just transition” through which society will be able to integrate the protection of the environment and the social progress. Trade Unions as major group still since the Agenda 21, Chapter 29: Strengthening the role of workers and their unions (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992), remain key stakeholders and they have to act, creating in parallel the necessary strategic partnerships within the social dialogue process.
The UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDG’s is a new comprehensive framework demanding the active involvement of the Trade Unions.
At the forthcoming 19th ECTUN Conference we’ll discuss realities, priorities, social aspects and practices for “just transition” in the capital cities/regions. In parallel we’ll explore the needs in training of the trade unionists in the area of the protection of the environment, sustainable development, climate change in order to come up with proposals and actions for a just and participative transition at the enterprise level, in defending workers’ rights and their living conditions. Among the aims of the Conference is to conclude with the adoption of an ECTUN Action Plan on climate action and just transition in the Capital cities/regions.
14th ETUC statutory Congress
The 14th ETUC Congress held in Vienna from 21 to 24 may 2019. The Congress re-elected Luca Visentini as General Secretary. The ECTUN Permanent Committee has been invited by Luca Visentini to participate in. So, an ECTUN delegation was there. With this occasion we discussed the upcoming events of ECTUN, the Permanent Committee (PC) meeting and the Helsinki Conference.
From the PC participated Christina Theochari, Franco Fatiga, Yulia Turkina and Ulisses Garrido from the ETUI.
European trade unions marched in Brussels on April 26 for a fairer Europe for workers, for a Europe that works for democracy and social justice, for quality jobs and higher wages and pensions, for just transitions to a low carbon and digital future.
ECTUN was there! Colleagues from CGIL, CISL and UIL Rome and from CGT Paris.
6th Congress of the CGIL of Rome and Lazio
On the 21, 22 and 23 November, 2018 was held in Rome the 6th Congress of the CGIL of Rome and Lazio. In the Congress participated ΕΚΑ – Athens, CCOO Madrid, UGT Madrid, URIF CFDT Ile-de-France, URIF CGT Paris and MTUF Moscow. Michele Azzola was elected as General Secretary.
On behalf of ECTUN, the coordinator Christina Theochari, addressed a salutation to the Congress {Saluto al VIo Congresso della CGIL Roma e Lazio (PDF)}.
Furthermore, a special session was planned by the organizers for ECTUN delegations participating in the congress, on the topic: ‘The response of the European trade Unions towards the pressures of the international financial system, to the labor market and workers”
A second topic of the session was the updating of the participants by ECTUN Coordinator on the outcome of the Permanent Committee meeting held in Sofia, concerning the topics of the forthcoming ECTUN Conference in March 2019.
6th Congress of the CGIL of Rome and Lazio (PDF)
Messaggio di solidarietà
In occasione del Referendum sui servizi di trasporto cittadino che si svorgerà a Roma l’ 11 p.v., il Comitato Permanente dell’ ECTUN riunito a Sofia esprime la propria solidarietà a Cgil, Cisl e Uil per il loro impegno a diffesa di un servizio pubblico dei trasporti locali che garantisca efficienza e rispetto per i livelli occupazionali.
L’ esperienza vissuta in alcune capitali europee di privatizzazione dei trasporti locali è risultata danosa, sia per la quantità e qualità dei servizi prestati alla cittadinanza, che per la tutela dell’ occupazione e dei diritti delle lavoratrici e dei lavoratori.
L’ ECTUN ritiene che il problema dei trasporti locali e della mobilità è talmemete importante non solo per i lavoratori ma per la stessa qualità della vita nelle nostre città, che decide di dedicare a questo tema i lavori della Prossima Conferenza Permanente dei Sindacati delle Capitali Europee che si terrà a Sofia dal 18 al 20 marzo 2019.
Per il Comitato Permanente
Dr Christina Theochari
IT_Messaggio di solidarietà_ROMA (PDF)
Message of Solidarity
On the occasion of the Referendum on urban transport services, which will take place in Rome on the 11 of November, the Permanent Committee of the ECTUN, held in Sofia, expresses its solidarity to Cgil, Cisl and Uil for their commitment to defend the public character of the local transport service which ensures the efficiency and guarantees employment stability.
The experience of privatization of local transport in other European capitals has been detrimental, both for the quantity and quality of services provided to the citizens, and for the protection of the employment and the workers’ rights.
ECTUN believes that the problem of local transport and mobility is important not only for the workers but also for the quality of life in our Cities, and therefore decides, that this issue will be the main topic at the forthcoming Permanent Conference of ECTUN that will take place in Sofia from 18 to 20 March 2019.
Sofia, 8 November 2018
For the Permanent Committee
Dr Christina Theochari
The Moscow Trade Union Federation (MTUF), organized an International Conference from 11-12 October 2018, in Moscow.
The topic of the Conference was:
“Social Dialogue – Challenges of the future”
The coordinator of ECTUN Dr Christina Theochari, was invited to the Conference. She introduced the ECTUN and she delivered a presentation on:
“Social dialogue and Sustainable development goals in the Capital Cities”
World Day for Decent work
7 October 2018
Decent Work sums up the aspirations of people in their working lives. It involves opportunities for work that is productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.
Full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people, is the most effective route out of poverty. Decent Work means allowing people to organize themselves to represent their interests collectively through trade unions and engage in genuine dialogue as citizens and workers.
Decent Work is also a strategy to achieve Sustainable development that is centered on people and a key element to build fair, equitable and inclusive societies being based around the principles of employment creation, workers’ rights, equality between women and men, social protection and social dialogue.
The global financial and economic crisis has further emphasized the need to fully integrate the approach of Decent Work in a broader economic and social strategy to stave off the slowdown and stimulate recovery.
Let’s campaign for Decent Life in our Capital Cities, by
- Building awareness of Decent Work amongst citizens, decision makers and key institutions;
- Showing that Decent Work is the only sustainable way out of poverty and is fundamental to build democracy and social cohesion;
● Placing Decent Work at the core of development, economic, trade, financial and social policies in our Capital Cities areas.
An informational week from 1 to 7th October was launched, with main purpose to raise awareness on the very acute challenges, faced by working people in Bulgaria. The campaign is focused on the four pillars of the Decent Work Agenda: employment, rights at work, social protection and dialogue. Due to the fact that we continue to have the lowest wages in the EU, besides the brain drain and unacceptable levels of poverty and uncertainty is not relevant anymore – it’s high time to Change the Rules in Bulgaria!
El pleno empleo y productivo y el trabajo decente para todos, incluidas las mujeres y los jóvenes, es la vía más eficaz para salir de la pobreza. Trabajo Decente significa permitir que las personas se organicen para representar sus intereses colectivamente a través de los sindicatos y entablar un diálogo genuino como ciudadanos y trabajadores.
El trabajo decente es también una estrategia para lograr un desarrollo sostenible centrado en las personas y un elemento clave para construir sociedades justas, equitativas e inclusivas basadas en los principios de creación de empleo, derechos de la clase trabajdora, igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, protección social y diálogo social.
La crisis financiera y económica mundial ha puesto aún más de relieve la necesidad de integrar plenamente el enfoque del trabajo decente en una estrategia económica y social más amplia para evitar la desaceleración y estimular la recuperación.
7 de octubre. Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente.
Porque Trabajo Decente es no perder la vida
El 7 de octubre se celebra el 11º aniversario de la Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente. CCOO y UGT de Madrid, junto a cientos de sindicatos y millones de trabajadores y trabajadoras de todo el mundo, volvemos a reivindicar, durante esta jornada de movilización, que el trabajo decente sea una realidad.
El trabajo decente resume las aspiraciones de las personas en su vida laboral. Implica tener la oportunidad de acceder a un empleo digno, con un salario justo, protección social para las familias y que permita tener mejores perspectivas de desarrollo personal e integración social así como libertad para organizarse y participar en las decisiones que afectan a sus vidas, igualdad de oportunidades y de trato para todas las mujeres y hombres, pero también seguridad en el lugar de trabajo y unas condiciones que protejan la salud y la vida de la población trabajadora.
Y es precisamente en este último aspecto en el que UGT y CCOO de Madrid nos queremos centrar este año, en el derecho a la salud y la vida en el trabajo, y denunciar como la precariedad instalada en nuestro mercado laboral, además de ser una fuente de injusticia y desigualdad está pasando una factura cruenta en términos de perdida de salud y de muerte.
Son tiempos de entornos empresariales hostiles, peligrosos, precarios e indecentes que colocan a la población trabajadora en una posición vulnerable que es necesario cambiar. La alta temporalidad, la corta duración de los contratos, la alta rotación, la subcontratación sin control, la intensificación de los ritmos y las cargas de trabajo junto con el debilitamiento de la negociación colectiva y las conductas irresponsables y, en muchos casos delictivas de muchos empresarios configuran un escenario que evidencia un retroceso importante en la gestión de la prevención y en las condiciones de trabajo que nos trasladan a situaciones superadas y ponen en grave peligro la salud de la población trabajadora.
Son tiempos, los que vivimos, donde nos despertamos con noticias de muertes de compañeros y compañeras. En el último año han perdido la vida en el trabajo en la Comunidad de Madrid 55 personas, lo que implica que cada 5 días muere una persona por el trabajo. Trabajadoras y trabajadores que salieron de sus casas, se fueron al trabajo y nunca volvieron a sus hogares.
Urge actuar y hacerlo de forma firme y contundente. Porque hay que cambiar las reglas, un cambio que permita recuperar derechos y entre ellos el derecho a la salud en el trabajo:
- Es el momento de luchar colectivamente por el cumplimiento de la ley de prevención, de señalar y denunciar a las empresas que no la cumplen.
- Es el momento de recuperar la centralidad de la negociación colectiva en las relaciones laborales.
- Es el momento de exigir a los poderes públicos un compromiso de garantizar dicho cumplimiento, extremando el control y actuando con mayor contundencia, potenciando el papel de la Inspección de Trabajo y de la Fiscalía de Siniestralidad para perseguir los delitos contra la salud y la vida.
- Es el momento de derogar la reforma laboral y restituir los derechos arrebatados a trabajadores y trabajadoras y volver a la senda del empleo de calidad
Sólo así, luchando, reivindicando, denunciando y también negociando conseguiremos que el trabajo sea decente y contribuiremos a conseguir una sociedad más justa, equitativa e inclusiva. Basada en el respeto de los derechos de la clase trabajadora, de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres y de la protección de la salud de todas y todos.
Defendamos un trabajo decente, porque no es posible tener una sociedad decente si el trabajo no es digno, y el trabajo no puede ser digno si nos lleva a la muerte.
Manifiesto 7 de octubre 2018 (PDF) – ES
Manifiesto 7 de octubre 2018 (PDF) – EN
Giornata mondiale del lavoro dignitoso
Gli schiavi del terzo millennio (The slaves of the third millenium)
7 October 2018 action of Moscow Trade Unions “For Decent Work” was held in the one of the parks of Moscow! In solidarity with World Trade Union movement!
Also MTUF spent the traditional annual Trade union lessons in the schools. Pupils get the new knowledge about Trade unions, their activities and about Decent work.
This May 1st Wage recovery!
The trade union organizations members of the ECTUN are calling for a wage increase on May 1st, 2018 due to:
• For years, wages have been considered as the sole cost adjustment for recovery. But wage cuts and wage moderation did not bring back recovery. They only led to stagnation, increasing inequality and social hardship, increased job insecurity and worsening working conditions and increased poverty in European society.
• Workers are the ones who have paid the highest price for the crisis and they are still not feeling the economic recovery. According to recent research published by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), wages are lower now than they were eight years ago, in seven EU member states. The research also shows that, in 18 EU countries, wages have grown much slower over the seven years after the crisis than in the eight years before that.
• Many organizations, such as the European Commission, recognize that domestic demand is the most important component of economic growth in Europe, therefore the higher the wage, the higher the domestic consumption.
• Boosting purchasing power is the key to driving economic growth in Europe, in our countries and in our Capital cities.
• Wages must be considered one of the main tools to sustain economic recovery, fight inequality, and ensure fairness in distribution of wealth.
• A pay rise is also necessary to fight precarious jobs, which are often jobs with low and unsecured wages, and in-work poverty, which has reached an unprecedented level in Europe. Today, in-work poverty affects 10% of European workers. Making sure that wages provide workers with a decent living must be an absolute priority!
• A wage increase is also needed to combat precarious jobs, which are often low-wage, insecure and temporary jobs. The policy of wage adjustment in Europe has increased working poverty to an unprecedented level in Europe. Today, working poverty affects 10% of European workers.
Ensuring that wages provide workers with a decent life must be an absolute priority!
This May 1st Wage recovery! (PDF)
The General Secretary of CCOO of Madrid Jaime Cedrun Lopez and the General Secratary of UGT Madrid Luis Miguel Lopez Reillo, presenting the ECTUN document on Pay rise. Madrid, 25 April 2018
Celebrating the 1st of May 2018, in Sofia